Relationship between anthropology and psychology


  • Duangvisate Duangvisate


Anthropology, Jacques Lacan, psychology, Psychoanalysis


As the goal of anthropological studies is to understand human beings, resulting in applying knowledge and theories related to psychology to apply and compare Along with questioning and analyzing "Humanity", which is different from other creatures, such as the skills and ability to use language and calligraphy. to be used in communication and to create meaning It is this quality that makes human beings a meaningful being in the world (Hanks, 1996; Kodre, 1996). 2011).


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Biografia do Autor

Duangvisate Duangvisate

Head of Research and Development Group Sirindhorn Anthropology Center


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Como Citar

Duangvisate, D. (2023). ANTHOPOLOGY OF JACQUES LACAN: Relationship between anthropology and psychology. Biofarma - Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Health, 3(1). Recuperado de