Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis, psychoanalytic theories, FreudAbstract
Clinical psychoanalysis in recent years, especially in this last decade, has become an important tool in the pastoral office, concerning human behavior, as much as the anthropological, philosophical, psychological, sociological, and pedagogical sciences, among others. The mind of the human being is the focus of the study of Freudian psychoanalytic theories. It is a treatment of the things of the unconscious, which aims to help the patient understand his attitudes, his fears, his dreams, his failures, and his anguish. Religion does not refuse to accept other sciences, and even less can the conductor of counseling remain apart from what is already known about the psychic needs of the human being. The search for an interdisciplinary dialog is healthy and maintains the communication path that favors the patient and brings him closer to the ideal treatment. The limits between what happens in the pastoral office and psychoanalysis should not diminish the importance of the latter for knowledge about the human mind. By the way, this work does not aim to discuss the belief regarding the way of salvation (Soteriology), but the human being as a citizen in society and in his individuality.
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