Pain Modulation


  • loud Shreif


vasospastic conditions, unconsciousness, semiconsciousness, pain


Pain modulation the process of alterations in the pain signals along the transmission pathway of pain, it explains why individuals respond to the same stimulus differently, explains the mechanism of action when using clinical analgesia. Pain control and modulation is a complex chore that is often the primary reason patients seek the services of rehabilitation professionals.  Modulation of pain begins with an understanding of the various levels of pain modulation and extends to clinical interventions and protocols designed to reduce pain. For example, opiates are capable of increasing and decreasing pain experience.

Author Biography

loud Shreif

Rachael Lowe; Eric Robertson; Kim Jackson; Sai Kripa; Kapil Narale



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How to Cite

Shreif, loud. (2021). Pain Modulation. Biofarma - Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Health, 1(1). Retrieved from